The Bike Medicine Gift Assortments For All Seasons

Gift Assortment PE
The Bike Medicine Purple Extreme Gift Assortment

The Bike Medicine Purple Extreme Gift Assortment
Super clean a bike in 10 minutes flat. Then keep it running clean and smooth for 400 miles+. The perfect gift for any cyclist.

4 Ounce Purple Extreme Chain Lubricant
8 Ounce Golden Degreaser
Bike Medicine ChainHolder with second bolt for thru axle
Bike Medicine SpeedBrush
One Purple Extreme ½ Ounce to go Bottle (3 uses)

One EP Ultra ½ Ounce to go Bottle (3 uses)
Small Parts & Chain Cleaner Tub
$5299 (plus S&H and applicable sales tax)

bike medicine ep ultra gift assortment
The Bike Medicine EP Ultra Gift Assortment

The Bike Medicine EP Ultra Gift Assortment
Super clean a bike in 10 minutes flat. Then keep it running clean and smooth for 500 miles+. The perfect gift for any cyclist.

4 Ounce EP Ultra Chain Lubricant
8 Ounce Golden Degreaser
Bike Medicine ChainHolder with second bolt for thru axle
Bike Medicine SpeedBrush
One Purple Extreme ½ Ounce to go Bottle (3 uses)

One EP Ultra ½ Ounce to go Bottle (3 uses)
Small Parts & Chain Cleaner Tub
$5299 (plus S&H and applicable sales tax)

Bike Medicine  |  10511  Windsor Lane  |  Ste. 103  Houston, Texas 77031 |  Ph: 281-561-7499  | 866-286-5823  Toll Free for orders only  | [email protected]