Bike Medicine SpeedBrush
We have found a brush that we are really happy with. It gets to all of the drivetrain parts to help remove buildup and deposits. Our SpeedBrush will turn a nasty cleanup chore into a pleasant job. Your hand is protected by a secure top grip to help prevent contact with the chainring teeth.
The Bike Medicine SpeedBrush features a high-count chemical resistant dual bristle design to produce the maximum cleaning efficiency per stroke.
After using the SpeedBrush with a degreaser, make sure to wash it out thoroughly with lots of water. It will keep the SpeedBrush in good condition for many bike washes.
The Bike Medicine SpeedBrush $5.00
Bike Medicine | 10511 Windsor Lane | Ste. 103 | Houston, Texas 77031 | Ph: 281-561-7499 | 866-286-5823 Toll Free for orders only | [email protected]