Contact Us

Bike Medicine

10511A Windsor Lane, Suite 103
Houston, TX 77031
(281) 561-7499 Local or non-order calls
(866) 286-5823 Toll Free for orders only
[email protected] For general email contact

Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, CST
Saturday & Sunday CLOSED

Bike Medicine Office
Bike Medicine Headquarters


J&B Importers (Nationwide)
Coast2Coast (Nationwide)

Babac (Eastern Canada)
Great Western Bicycle (Western Canada)
Fine-adc (UK, Ireland, Europe)
Ballistic Bike Trading (South Africa)
Hans Johnsen (Nationwide)

Bike Montage

Bike Medicine offers a family of highly effective, industrial strength, lubrication and maintenance products for bicycles of all types.

Finally, there is a high level cycling technical skills, training, and safety learning experience for the recreational, fitness and corporate cyclists! Perfect for beginners and experienced riders too!

It’s not just a camp, it is cycling school for all levels!

For information click here